Ac’s Pointer of the Day: “Magician Heal Thyself”

06 Jan

Ac's Pointer of the Day

People make all sorts of  arbitrarily edicts about what you can and cannot do with Witchcraft. This ideology leads others to seek us out, even pose as Witches, to get close to us for help. They attend our conventions, trade fairs, retreats, and open sabbats. They position themselves into conversations for the sole purpose of shifting to the topic of their personal pain, real or imaginary, in hopes someone will volunteer a free stop-healing.

These folks aren’t inherently evil. They probably just crave human contact or sympathy. Their actions are probably indicative of some abuse or neglect throughout their childhood, or simple fan-girl mentality.

The real damage comes from the tilt & skew in how the Witch community receives & presents itself:

No one knows their mind, body, and emotions like a Witch, but this doesn’t stop an army of empathetics from publishing so much tripe on “personal healing”  that it overwhelms our public identity. There are some fairly bad pieces of this advice floating around, as well (but that’s a topic for a later date).

Suffice it to say that Witches, the real deal, can tell you from your ailments as well as your accomplishments. A real Reiki Master doesn’t get back-pain for very long, A Voudon doesn’t complain, but act. A real Fakir doesn’t complain at all. It isn’t in our natures.

Take care of your problems before you try taking the mantle of Magician.

To quote every flight attendant ever hired, “In the result of a sudden loss in cabin pressure, breathing masks will fall from the overhead compartment: Put the mask upon yourself before attempting to help another.”

Wiser words were never spoken.


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