Tag Archives: STBoS

Side Projects: Stay Tuned

"Evolution Will Not Be Televised"

“Evolution Will Not Be Televised”

Well, by now, I’d hoped to have something better than the simple written word to present.
The things we see in our heads always look better in our heads than our first attempts can render.

That said, I haven’t stopped, but improving the quality-per-post is taking longer than anticipated.

I’m still here.
I’m still teaching, here.

Thanks you for staying tuned with me.


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100th Post!

My 100th Post! (Introductions are in order)


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Page 10: The Aura Part 2

Page  10
The Aura part 2
Chakras & ‘Chi’

Chakra Chart


        They are the energy centers of the soul, the specialized vortices at frequencies that merge and blend to create the aura. In our works we’ll be taking advantage of these frequencies. The chart above shows not only their relative positions, but also the nada, or “Sub-Chakric Nodes” that we’ll be directing energy through.


        This is the name given to the energy that flows through them. It’s more come to refer to the Full-Throttle, Cascade Opening of Chakras. When all chakras are open, and in tune, a well-spring of energy explodes from the root chakra and produces an experience that cannot be shared, so much as experienced. It always has a profound impact upon the subject. For Good or Bad, it is quite profound.

        I do not, and will not teach that here. The effect can be quite traumatic, and psychologically scarring to the student, if done wrong.  That being said, I cannot suggest strongly enough that you pursue the effect through more capable channels. The effects that it adds to your spell casting will be of immeasurable value! There are many teachers who specialize in Transcendental Meditation, and have experience in leading one on the path of achieving ‘Samadhi’.

    There is one drawback: It can be seen as the End Result. It can also be addictive.

        “No! You’re Wrong! It’s a state of bliss that is true enlightenment”, I hear people say. WRONG! It’s a Drug that many see as the goal, and never realize that the rest of their life is being ignored! They bury themselves in only this one facet, and think the rest of the world as “Base” because we don’t share their ‘Drug’. The person who has achieved ‘Samadhi’ claims such wonderful enlightenment, and what do they do with it? The spend even more time sitting in a lotus position and returning to it. They can be likened to the adolescent that has just discovered masturbation!

        We live in a physical world, people! If what you’ve learned has no application in this world, what use is it?

        I suggest that you always keep one foot on the ground, or at least touch base with the material world, from time to time. It’s the only way to make sure you keep having a real life.

        The point to this page is to give simple, SAFE ways to increase Chakric energy levels & reserves, and to  demonstrate how Chakras are used to enhance spell casting. There are various techniques for building the overall energy level of the aura, but our focus will be two-fold: Tai Chi & Chakra Meditation.


    Most people have a tendency to separate the various practices. I suggest true eclectic blending of them. Where one group specializes,  in one attribute, that level of advancement can be harvested, and used to strengthen your own practices. No one says you have to invest in a religion, but simply examine the “Truth” of it, and discard what doesn’t fit. Other traditions are like a toolbox: You don’t try every tool to tighten a screw, you grab the right implement and leave the rest!

Tai-Chi is one of them.

    Sure: It’s a great tool for poise, grace, and developing those martial arts skills (all of which are very worthy pursuits), but it’s top-notch in the “Accumulation of Chi/Life-force/Manna/Kundalini”. Learning to channel energy through the meridians is one of the things that Sending Energy Directly (al la Reiki, Faith-Healing, Charging Objects, etc) is dependent upon.

    Now, to give an instructional on Tai-Chi would be redundant, as there are MANY sources available, in written and video formats. Tap into one of those sources, and come back here…

    Done? So Soon?!


        Now, I’m sure you looked at Tai-chi and said “Hey! They only talk about THREE energy centers! Where are the other Four?!?”, or something like that. Well, the three Tan-Tien they discussed are (starting from the bottom) the 2nd, 4th and 6th chakras.  If you examine the chart at the top-left of this page, you’ll notice that and another very significant difference: The Hindu Chart lacks MANY of the meridian lines you’ll find in the Chinese art-form. See? Each has it own strengths, through it’s own direction of specialization.

        Where the Hindu method of energy cultivation focused upon the sources within, tai-chi focus on the movement of that energy, and it’s subtler effects through dynamic equilibrium. If you incorporate both, your magic workings will improve dramatically.

        The image, top right, is an indicator of cross-cultural expansion in it’s own right. That picture is how chakras are perceived in European Magic. You may note how the root chakra is raised to the location of the sacral (2nd), and the sacral is shifted to one side, over a kidney. I find this indicative of the European disdain for even the Idea of sex, and an attempt to avoid the area entirely. Little do they realize, though, that it’s the Sacral chakra that invigorates with sexual energy. Only a Patriarchal régime would assume it starts at the testicles! Life starts in the womb. This little variation also tells you who first incorporated the idea of chakras in European Magic. I can’t tell you Their name, but I’m sure it started with “Mister”.


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I’m supposed to be teaching, aren’t I? ;]

“Is everyone seated comfortably? Then let’s begin.”

The Index will grow, and give you an idea of how far we’ve come. The pages will link back to the blog, to give access to the commentary, questions, and observations for the week. I’ll also be mobile-blogging, now and again: observations, spell-workings, premonitions, and all the other minutia the falls into a living  “BOS”.

I hope you find this educational, and if you don’t, Ask More Questions.

Tomorrow: Page One…

Addendum: You’ll notice odd spelling, syntax, and other archaic devices in my meanderings. This is an unavoidable side-effect of reading texts published before the invention of the dictionary. Read them to near exclusivity for a year or two, and they rub off on you.

Don’t think of it as “bad grammar”.
Call it what it is: “Olde-Schoole”! ;]


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Who the F#@k Are You?!

“Is there a name for what’s wrong with you?” ~Will Robinson, “Lost In Space” TMP

You’ll get asked that.
A lot.

You’ll be called delusional, quixotic, a fantasist, a charlatan, loser/fool/nut, crazy, hopeless, and even douche’-bag. People will mentally pat you on the head and dismiss you. They always have.
They need to.
Be prepared for that.

…but that isn’t what I wish to cover today. (We’ll cover “Secrecy as Self-Defense” later).

You need to know what makes this blog any different from the countless others.

Decades of experience, dating all the way back to when I was five years old.
Both as a Witch and a member  of the community, I feel I have a cultivated experience-base to teach you not-only the inner working of Witchcraft, but the social pratfalls to avoid.

Why am I doing this?
“Learn for Free and Teach for Free”, is axiom to Witchcraft.
You won’t learn religion here. You won’t have any other sort of smoke blown up your skirt, either.
You’ll get the nut-and-bolts education, that you can apply to your Craft for better results than a simple rhymed-couplet and a flow-chart on colored candles.
You’ll learn how to do it yourself, what not to do, and better still, how to do it without owing anyone. Not Gods, Spirits, or even still, your credit-card company for lessons that only work for the talented.

…and reading here won’t cost you a dime.

Don’t expect anything out of this is you plan to just read.
I will give you the paths of contemplation, and elements of practice, so Practice!

You get out of the world what you put into it.
Thinking is easy. Witchcraft is hard.
You have to examine yourself, the world, and your place in it, and you can’t do that with everything filtered through sound-bytes on a computer screen. That means living your life.

I’ve been doing this for decades, from my first past-life memories at 5 yrs old, yoga and seeing ghosts at age-9, psychology training and biofeedback at 11, Witchcraft, Taoism, Rosicrucians, and more. Here I am, nearly (noneofyourdamnedbusiness)-years-old, so I have a lot under my belt.

Time to share.

“Now what do you think? Am I qualified?” ~Beetlejuice


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You will hate me.

I teach Witchcraft, and for that you will hate me.

No Llew-Llews

No Llew-Llews

I am not evil, but pragmatic.I’m not Wiccan, but a Witch.
I am not a stereotype.

I will insist you not be a stereotype, either.
For that you will hate me.

If you learn from me, I will actually make demands of you.
You’ll have to work for your abilities, and for that you will hate me.

I won’t sugar-coat the world.
There will be no pretty lies, here.
You don’t get to hide in the crowd of crushed velvet.
You won’t get to play make-believe.

You will have to “Think, Will, & Do”, and for that you will hate me.

Too much for you?
Buy a Llewellyn book.


Posted by on February 19, 2013 in Evolution, Humanity, Observations, Pagan


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